401 Before starting our excursion to some of the planets that we know about, let us take the position that is sometimes called day dreaming. When this takes place the mind withdraws its interest from the present surroundings and becomes absorbed in the so-called dream. Conscious consciousness draws the mind's attention to itself to such an extent that any one could pass before the one so absorbed and his presence would not be felt. In other words a sort of telecasting connection is made between the consciousness and the mind and time and distance do not mean anything for the mind is interested in the scenes that the consciousness is bringing to it. Many people while reading Inside The Space Ships lived the experience with me and partook of the same exhilarating feeling that I had while describing the scenery and the words of wisdom given to me. This is the state in which one must place himself - the union of mind and consciousness for both are equally real.
401 私達が知っている惑星のいくつかへの旅行を始める前に、時として白日夢と呼ばれている姿勢に就いて見ましょう。これが起る時、心は現実の環境からその関心を引き上げ、いわゆる夢と呼ばれる中に吸収されるようになります。意識的な意識が心の関心を意識自身へそのように引き寄せる為、その者の前を人が通ってもその存在は気付かれない程です。言い替えれば、ある種のテレビ放送の回路が意識と心の間に形成され、時間や距離は意味をなさなくなります。何故なら心は意識がもたらす光景に関心を持つからです。多くの人々が「同乗記」を読んでいる間、私と一緒にその体験を生きていましたし、私がその光景や私に与えられた智恵の言葉を表現する間、私が得た心踊る感覚と同じものを共にしたのです。これは人が自分自身を置かなければならない心と意識の統合の状態です。何故なら両者は等しく実在のものだからです。
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