219 But of more importance to us in our daily lives than either the strong, destructive emotions, or the interception of vibrations from the lower planets, is the subtle manner in which we are influenced by the waves of thought floating around us at all times. Inasmuch as the total universe is composed of thought-producing action, we can easily perceive that the human form as well as every other type of manifestation, is not only bombarded with billions of thoughts per second from outside sources, but is also creating billions of thoughts pertaining to itself. In most cases, the thinkers who gave birth to those thoughts coming to us from the outside, were limited to an understanding of the world of effect. Therefore, their thought emanations are steeped in divisions, discriminations, personal likes and dislikes, and other expressions of the ego.
219 しかし、日常的な生活の中で私達にとって強烈な破壊的感情や低次な惑星からの振動の傍受より重要なのは、いつも私達の周囲を浮遊している想念波に影響を受けているような密かな種類のものです。全宇宙は想念造成の作用から成り立っている以上、私達は人体は他のタイプの創造物と同様、外部発信源から毎秒何十億個の想念が衝突するばかりでなく、自身に関連して何十億個の想念を造り出しています。多くの場合、外部から私達にやって来るそれらの想念を生み出した思考者は、結果の世界への理解に限られています。その為、彼らの想念放射物は分裂や差別、個人的な好き嫌い、またその他、エゴの表現に浸っています。
第2部 4章 段落218 [2014-12-04] <<
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