177 The Cosmos is ever active, constantly changing, and regardless of how little interest the average layman has in scientific subjects there is not one individual in the world who is not conscious of that ceaseless activity which is going on about him every moment. The growth of flowers and trees, the falling of rain and snow, the evaporation of liquids, the expansion of metals under the influence of heat and their contraction under cold, the fermentation of vegetable matter, the oxidation of minerals, the perpetual construction and disintegration of forms cannot possibly escape the attention of even the least observant of men. If we were to carefully gather all the gases that rise from a burning log and the ashes that were left after the fire had done its work we would find that nothing had been lost in the process of transmutation. There is no such thing as total destruction. The religionist looks more or less indifferently upon all of this changing phenomena, labels it the "work of God" and accepts at its surface value but the men of science have gone beyond the surface and uncovered the interesting and illuminating fact that life as a whole is the effect of an eternal process of chemicalization and that in the knowledge of Cause chemistry lies the victory over life and death, creation and recreation, joy and pain. The universe is nothing more or less than an immense chemical laboratory in which elements are combining constantly to produce the innumerable forms of expression or manifestation. The water, fire, earth, air, and the inconceivably fine ethers above the atmosphere of the earth are all chemical compositions. Light and darkness, love and fear are all chemical reactions.
177 宇宙は永久に活動的であり、常に変化し、平均的な通常人が科学的課題に対して如何にわずかしか関心を持たなかったとしても、自分について毎瞬起こっている休むことのない活動について意識しない者は、この世界に誰一人居ません。花々や木々の生長、雨や雪の落下、液体の蒸発、熱の影響下の金属の膨張や寒さの中でのそれらの収縮、植物性物質の発酵、形あるものの永久的な形成と分解は皆、どんな鈍感な観察者の注目をも見逃されることはあり得ません。もし、私達が燃える丸太から立ち上る気体を全て集め、火がその仕事を終えた後に残った灰を注意深く集まるなら、私達はその変質過程において何一つ失われたものが無いことに気付くでしょう。完全な破壊というようなものは存在しないのです。宗教家はこの変化の現象の全てを多少とも無関心に眺め、それを「神の御業」とレッテルを貼り、表層的な価値を受け入れますが、科学に根ざす人はその表層を越えて、全体としての生命は化学作用の永遠なる過程の結果であることや宇宙的化学の知識の中に生死や創造と再生、喜びと苦痛を超えた勝利があるという興味深く啓発的な事実を発見して来ました。宇宙空間とは諸元素が無数の表現の形あるものや現出物を常に結合させている巨大な化学実験室以外の何物でもありません。水、火、土、空気そして地上の大気の上部にある思いもよらない微細はエーテル体等、全ては化学的化合物です。光と闇、愛と恐怖も皆、化学反応なのです。
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